Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

445 - Degree in Tourism

29138 - English for Tourism III

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
29138 - English for Tourism III
Faculty / School:
177 - Escuela Universitaria de Turismo
445 - Degree in Tourism
First semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process for this subject is based on the following:

-- Presentation of the linguistic elements needed to develop and reinforce the students’ competences in both their daily life and professional environment.

-- Active participation of the students in activities with people from other countries (native and non-native speakers), using English as the working language.

-- Attendance to lectures and some other activities carried out in English.


Students should be responsible for their own learning process. Their active participation in all class sessions, for the improvement and development of their English skills, is essential at this level.

5.2. Learning tasks


The programme, offered to students to help them achieve the expected results, covers the following activities:

1.- Activities in the classroom or in the computer lab to present and perform different tasks.

2.- Practical sessions in and out of the classroom, with the participation of students in activities of role playing, search of online material and use of audiovisual resources. Attendance to lectures and other activities in English.

3.- Tutorials to assist and help students to solve difficulties and problems, related to the subject.

4.- Personal or team work for the presentation of projects in the classroom or out of it, with previous study and preparation of vocabulary, grammatical structures, online information, academic research etc

5.3. Syllabus

This programme consists of a number of modules outlined below:


1.- International Trade Fairs and Events.

a) International Trade Fairs and their organization.

 b) Organising Events.


2.- Group Communication


a) Speaking in public (good and bad habits).

b) Presentation skills.

c) Making and Delivering a Speech.


 3.- Applying for a job in English

a) How to apply for a job.

b) Being successful at a job interview.



5.4. Course planning and calendar


-- The sessions will be scheduled following the academic calendar and the subject timetable.


Students will be informed about the exact dates for the presentation of their projects and the performance of the class activities.

The activities will be evaluated taking into consideration: the presentation, previous preparation, contents and the accuracy in the use of the language (specific vocabulary and grammatical structures) studied in each topic.



-- There will be 4 theoretical-practical sessions per week. The topics in the program will be used to reinforce the use of the four skills: writing , speaking, listening and reading.



-- Tutorials will be organised according to timetables, once the academic year has started.



-- The development and improvement of speaking and listening skills is essential in this course. Students should make a special effort to achieve these objectives at the end of the semester.














5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

[BB: Bibliografía básica / BC: Bibliografía complementaria]


BB Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Academic English: International Student's Edition 2015 Oxford : O.U.P.
BB Oxford Business Dictionary for leaners of English . Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014
BB Swan, Michael. Practical English usage / Michael Swan . 2nd ed., 14 impr. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009
BB Thomson. A practical english grammar/ Thomson y Martinet. 1996 Oxford : Oxford University Press
BB Vince, Michael. First certificate language practice : english grammar and vocabulary / Michael Vince . Oxford : Macmillan, 2003
BC Alcaraz, E.. Diccionario de términos de turismo y ocio. Inglés Español / Alcaraz, E. .-..[]. 2000 Barcelona: Ariel
BC Be my guest : English for the hotel industry : Audio CD Set : Student's book / Francis O'Hara . [1st ed.] Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2002.
BC Deltoro, Carmen. Diccionario turístico Inglés - español. - 2000 Barcelona: Ariel
BC Duckworth, M.. Going International: English for Tourism. - 1998 Oxford : Oxford University Press
BC Eastwood, John. Oxford Practice Grammar: with anserws. 2006 Oxford: Oxford University Press
BC Harding, Keith. High season : English for the hotel and tourist industry / Keith Harding & Paul Henderson . Oxford : Oxford Universty Press
BC Jones, Leo. Welcome! : English for the travel and tourism industry. Student's book . 1st ed., 6th. printing Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2002
BC [s.n.]. Oxford Business doctionary for learners of English . Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014
BC Strutt, P.. English for International Tourism. - 2013 Madrid: Pearson
BC Walker, Robin. Tourism 1,2,3. Oxford English for Careers / Walker, R. y Harding, K.. - 2007 Oxford: Oxford University Press